viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013



1) Comprehension: read and write your own opinions.
-The Visigoths established their own kingdoms. Leovigild made Toledo the capital of the kingdom. Roderic was defeated by the muslims. the Visigoths became Christians. The Visigoths built small stone churches.
2) True or False?
-It took the muslims many years to defeat the visigoths.
-The capital of Al-Andalus was Cordoba.
-Al Andalus was divided into smaller villages called taifas.
-The taifas fought among themselves.
-In 1212 the muslims defeated the Christians.
-Al Andalus society was formed by muslims, christians and jews.
3) Answer:
- What is the name of the Christian expansion after the Muslim invasion?
-Which were the Christian kingdoms around the year 1230?
-When were the Crowns of Castile and Aragon united?
-Most people in medieval society were...............
-When did the palaces and cathedrals begin to be built in the Gothic style?


 1) True or False?
- The Generation of 98 was a gro
up of politicians.
-Industrial workers lived in big cities
-There was a revolt in Madrid in 1909.
-In 1923, Primo de Rivera established a dictatorship
-In 1931, Republican candidates won local elections.
-Alfonso XIII left the country.
-The first republic was established.
2) Finish the sentences:
-The Civil War began.............
-The war ended..................
-Under Franco, there was only........
-Spain was isolated.................
-The tourists industry...............
-Franco died in.....................
3) Complete:
-In 1975, Spain became a constitutional...........
-King Juan Carlos appointed Adolfo Suarez......
-Political parties and ........... were legalized.
-The Parliament and the majority of the Spanish population approved a new...
-Spain ..........a member of the European Union.

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