viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013



1) Write these questions in Past Tense:
- The Stone Age begins 2,5 million years ago.
-Stone tools are used.
-In the Palaeolithic period, people move from place to place.
-In the Neolithic period, people live permanently in one place.
-They are farmers and have crops and domestic animals.
-The Metal Ages begin about 7000 years ago.
-Metal tools are used.
-The wheel and the plough are invented.
2) Complete:
-The Iberians lived in the ...............and south of the peninsula.
-They lived in walled settlements with............houses.
-They were divided into.............
-They were herders, ......... traders, and craftsmen.
-The............lived in the centre and north of the peninsula.
-They lived in walled settlements with ................houses.
-They were herders, farmers and expert....................
-More than 2000 years ago, the Romans...................
-The Romans called the peninsula...........................
-The conquered tribes....................
-Seneca was....................
-Hispania was.......................
-The Visigoth invaders entered the peninsula.............
-Roman cities had.............................
-A forum was....................
-Aqueducts transported..............
4) True of False?
- The Phoenicians came from ASIA/GREECE
-They settled on the EASTERN/SOUTHERN coast.
-The Greeks settled on the SOUTHERN/MEDITERRANEAN coast.
-They founded the city of DENIA/CADIZ
-The Carthaginians came from ASIA/ NORTH AFRICA.


1) True or False?
-Under the Roman Empire the inhabitants of Hispania spoke Latin.
-The Visigoths crossed the sea into Hispania.
-Madrid was their capital.
-The Visigoths lived in villages.
-They used the land for agriculture.
-They were expert farmers.
2) Complete:
-In 711 a small army of muslims from northern..........invaded Visigothic Spain.
-In.........years the muslisms conquered most of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
-Under the muslims......was called Al-Andalus.
-Their highets authority was the............
-Their religion was.....................
-Christians continued to live in the...........of the Peninsula.
-Their highest authority was the............
3) Complete:
-Al-Andalus weakened around the year........
-Al Andalus broke up into .....................
-The muslim kingdoms were called.........
-The Christian kingdoms became ...........and more prosperous.
-The taifas were weak and ............many battles.
-The Christian Reconquest was 1492.
-The Catholic Monarchs conquered the last muslim kingdom of ..............
4) Complete:
-The muslims built...............and...................and ............on hills.
-They occupied the centre and south of the peninsula for ...... hundred years.
-The philosopher Averroes was born in ................


Muslims pray five times a day. On Fridays, they meet in mosques for community prayer. The muezzin is responsible for calling Muslims to pray. He calls them from a minaret, the mosque tower.
Inside the mosque, believers kneel and pray towards the wall which faces in the direction of Mecca. Mecca is the most sacred Muslim city.
As well as being a place of prayer, mosques are used as meeting places and even schools. Mosques have a large courtyard at the entrance, a prayer hall inside, and one or more minarets, depending on their size.
During the Middle Ages, muslims built many mosques on the Iberian Peninsula. The most importat one is in Cordoba, the capital of Al-andalus.

-Mosques are used for.............................
-The muezzin is responsible for...................

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