martes, 30 de abril de 2013


Read and answer the questions:

A volcanic eruption is when magma rises through cracks in the Earth's surface. Eruptions can rapidly change the landscape for kilometres around.
During eruptions, red-hot material is ejected. This is called lava when it reaches the Earth's surface. Lava moves down, destroying everything in its path. It turns the ground into a dry, stony landscape where very little vegetation can grow.
The Canary Islands are a good example of volcanic landscapes. On the islands of Lanzarote and Hierro, we find volcanic cones. These are cone-shaped mountains craters called "calderas" on Tenerife and La Palma. Other volcanic formations on the Canary Islands are fields of lava called badlands. A good example is the Fire Mountains on the Island of Lanzarote.

1) Answer:
- What are badlands?
- How are the badlands formed?
- What are the "calderas"?
- Where can we find calderas?

2) Write down the name of each area on the Peninsula with volcanic formations.

3) Draw a representation of the water cycle.

4) Define:
- sunlight
- carbon dioxide
- ozone
- erosion
- transport
- sedimentation

5) True or False?
The main gases in the air are nitrogen and oxygen.
The atmosphere has large quantities of carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor.
The atmosphere is not essential to life on Earth.
All living things breathe oxygen.
Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
Oxygen filters harmul ultraviolet rays.

6) Put in the correct order:
a.- Water filters into the land, returns to the sea or evaporates.
b.- It becomes water vapor.
c.- Water falls from clouds as rain or snow.
d.- Water vapor rises and condenses into drops of water.
e.- The water cycle starts again.
f.- Liquid water evaporates because of heat from the sun.
g.- The water drops form clouds.

7) Fill the gaps.
- The geosphere is made up of ....................................layers.
- The crust is the Earth's ..............................layer.
- The mantle, or middle layer, is very............................
- The core is the Earh's ..........................layer.
- Magma is red-hot ..............................rock.

8) Finish the sentences
- Volcanoes form in places..................................
- Earthquakes are caused by.......................................
- Earthquakes on the ocean floor....................................................
- The action of wind and water....................................................
- Erosion is the removal of..........................................................
- Transport is the movement of ...................................................
- Sedimentation is the accumulation of........................................


1) Copy and learn:
"People like to live in places where there are good job opportunities, a healthy climate and good services. Many people live on the coasts. Some countries and regions are more densely populated than others. In Australia there are only 2 inhabitants per square kilometre".

2) Complete:
- The movement of population is called..........................
- Earthquakes are a natural cause of................................
- Finding work is............................................................
- Internal migration is....................................................
- International migration is............................................
- Emigrants are...............................................................
- Inmigrants are..............................................................

3) Explain the population characteristics of Spain. ( 1 paper sheet front).
4) Answer
- What are urban populations?
- What are rural populations?
- What measures the size of a population?
- What is a positive natural increase?
- What is a negative natural increase?
- Today the population os Spain is approximately ...........................million inhabitants.
- In 1960 it was about .............................million.
- There are now about.....................................million inmigrants.
- Population density is........................................inhabitants per square km.

5) Read and answer:
The first cities appeared between 6 and 7 thousand years ago in different parts of the world: the Middle East, India and China. They were small settlements. Most of the population was employed in fishing, agriculture or livestock farming.
 Today, cities have almost nothing in common with the first settlements. They are large urban areas with tall buildings, leisure facilities, and varied means of transport.
Two factors have influenced the growth of cities. One is the increase in population, thanks to medical advances and better health and food habits. The other is the opportunity they give people to work and the services they provide. This produces migration from rural areas.

a.- Find the most important words in each paragraph.
b.- Is there a relationship between the increase in population and the growth of cities?
c.- Do more people live today in villages or in cities? Why?

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