martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Activities for 5th grade

Complete these activities:

1) In the Paleolithic period craftsmen hitting one stone against another.
2) In the Neolithic period craftsmen made polished stone ...................................
3) They also made.......................
4) They also made......................
5) In the Metal Ages craftsmen made metal ......................................
6) The Phoenicians came from.....................
7) They settled on the ..................... coast.
8) The Greeks settled on the ...................... coast.
9) They founded the city of.........................
10) The Carthaginians came from .......................
11) The Stone Age began ............................. years ago.
12) Stone ............. were used.
13) In the Paleolithic period, people moved from place to place because they were ..................
14) In the Neolitihic period, people lived permanently in one place because they were ..............
15) They were ................. and had crops and ............... animals.
16) The Metal Ages began about ......................... years ago.
17) .................. tools were used.
18) The wheel and ................ were invented.
19) The Iberians lived in the ...............and south of the peninsula.
20) They lived in walled settlements with ................ houses.
21) They were divided into ................
22) They were herders, ................ traders and craftsmen.
23) The .......... lived in the centre and north of the peninsula.
24) They lived in walled settlements with ........... houses.
25) They were herders, farmers and expert ......................
26) More than 2000 years ago, the Romans conquered ....................
27) The Romans called it ........................
28) The conquered tribes spoke ...................
29) Seneca was a .......................
30) Hispania was Roman for ........................years.
31) The Visigoths invaders entered the peninsula from ......................
32) Roman cities had two main .............................
33) A forum was a large ............................
34) Aqueducts transported .........................

(copy them on your notebook- cópialas ambas en tu cuaderno)

Measuring Time

Dates can be expressed as BC or AD. The birth of Christ, more than 2000 years ago, is used to make the first big division in historical time. Events that happened before the birth of Christ use the letters BC (Before Christ) after the date. For example, the prehistoric paintings in the Caves of Altamira are from the year 15000 BC.
Events taking place after the birth of Christ are identified with the letters AD after the date, but most of the time we do not use anything. For example, we could write that the Crown of Castile was formed in 1230 or in 1230 AD. Both forms are correct.
A period of one hundred years is called a century. The year 1492 was in the fifteenth century.

Order the historical events in chronological order:

711 AD: Muslims invaded the Iberian peninsula
753 BC: Rome was founded
1492: Columbus discovered America
1200 BC: the Phoenician alphabet was invented.

Write the century these dates are in:


Answer the questions:

What year were you born in? ......................
What century were you born in? .................
What century were your parents born in? ............
What century are we in now? ............................


Circus games were the Roman's most popular form of entertainment. Games were held regularly, and lasted for many days. The events were advertised on signs and proclaimed throughout the city. People came from all over the Roman Empire to watch the games. Sometimes they slept outdoors waiting for the games to begin. The gladiators' fights and chariot races were the most popular circus games.
Most of the gladiators were slaves, prisioners of war, or criminals, but some were volunteers. All gladiators went to training schools to learn special fighting techniques. Many gladiators died in the fights. The president of the games decided if a gladiator lived or died.
Chariot races were held in the circuses. There were four different chariot teams which had different colors. the chariots were pulled by four horses and driven by the charioteer. The races were very dangerous. Chariots crashed, and men and horses were injured and killed.
Some gladiators and chariot drivers became rich and famous.


Where did gladiators learn their techniques?

How many horses pulled chariots?

Imagine you live in ancient Rome and you are going to see the circus games. Describe your day.

Realiza estas actividades para el día 20 de mayo.

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