martes, 12 de marzo de 2013



1) The  population in Spain has increased because there is a..............and because many...........have come to Spain to work or to retire.
2) There are more................than..................
3) The population is ageing because people are...........and the.............. rate is decreasing.
4) The most populated areas in Spain are on the ................and in the Autonomous community of..........
5) Most .............. live in provincial capitals and the main ................. and tourist centres.
6) The majority of unemployed people are.....................................
7) The primary sector includes............................................
8) The secondary sector includes........................................
9) The construction idustry has...........................................
10) Today, the service sector is.........................................
11) The service sector provides........................................
12) Name 3 bodies of water surrounding Spain.
13) Name three countries that border Spain.
14) Name 2 cities in North Africa which are part of Spain.
15) Name 2 groups of islands which are part of Spain.
16) Name the geographical features which separate Spain from Europe and from Africa.
17) How many Autonomous regions are there in Spain? Name them all.
18) How many provinces are there in Spain?
19) All laws must/must not follow the Constitution.
20) The monarch can/cannot make political decisions.
21) The Cortes do not control/control government actions.
22) The Supreme Court has/does not have authority over the entire country.


1) The Central Plateau is divided by the.................................
2) The Pyrenees are in the......................................................
3) The Betic Chain is in the...................................................
4) The Cantabrian Chain is in the..........................................
5) The Iberian Chain is in the ...........................of the Central Plateau.
6) The ........................are very mountainous.
7) The ........................are not very mountainous.
8) The Galician/Andalusian coast is high and rocky with many estuaries.
9) The Galician/Andalusian coast is low and sandy.
10) Lanzarote has long cliffs/beaches.
11) The Mediterranean coast is Spain's longest/shortest coast.
12) The Balearic Islands generally have high and rocky/low and sandy coasts.
13) The river Ebro is one of the longest in Spain. T/F
14) The Ebro flows from east to west. T/F
15) There are many rivers on the Balearic Islands. T/F
16) The Mediterranean watershed occupies a third of Spain. T/F
17) The Galician rivers are long with low flows.

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