viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Questionnaire Topic 8 (SCIENCE 5º) THE LANDSCAPE

Answer these test questions

1) What is landscape?
2) There are .......................landscapes, ..........................landscapes and ................... landscapes.
3) What are mountains?
4) Are hills taller or lower than mountains?
5) What is ALTITUDE?
6) What is a group of mountains grouped together?
7) A long line of mountain ranges is called..........................................
8) Valleys are.......................................................................
9) Describe the 3 types of plains that there are:
10) Name the main mountain systems of the Iberian Peninsula
11) Write the names of the longest rivers of Spain
12) Which is the highest mountain of Spain? Where is it?
13) Which countries make up the Iberian Peninsula?
14) Where are the Pyrenees?
15) Which mountains divide the Central Plateau into two parts?
16) Where are the highest peaks on the Iberian peninsula?
17) Where is the Betic mountain chain)
18 Where is the Ebro depression?
19) Where is the Guadalquivir depression?
20) The coast is the place where........................................
21) A cape is land which.................................................
22) A gulf is a place where....................................................
23) A peninsula is land which......................................
24) An island is land........................................................
25) An archipielago is................................................................
26) An estuary is the part of a river.............................................
27) A marsh is wet land...........................................................................
28) ¿Cuánto mide la línea costera española?
29) ¿Cuántos tipos de costa tenemos?
30) ¿Cual costa es muy variada?
31) ¿Qué costa es arenosa y baja?

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