martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012



1)      What is an invertebrate?

2)      What is the size of an invertebrate?

3)      Describe the body shape of an invertebrate

4)      How are the bodies of the invertebrates covered?

5)      How do invertebrates live?

6)      What is a parasite?

7)      Are the invertebrates oviparous or viviparous?

8)      Name the invertebrate groups

9)      The jellyfish is a mollusk. True or false?

10)   A clam is a sponge. T/F

11)   A starfish is an echinoderm. t/f

12)   Give 2 examples of cnidarians

13)   Give 2 examples of worms

14)   What is a vertebrate?

15)   What is a mammal?

16)   Do mammals have hair?

17)   Are mammals cold-blooded?

18)   Do mammals have lungs?

19)   Mammals are oviparous. True or false?

20)   What do baby mammals drink?

21)   Explain in which habitats mammals can live

22)   How many mammal groups are there?

23)   Describe a primate

24)   What do carnivores do?

25)   What do ungulates eat?

26)   Give 2 examples of cetaceans

27)   Write down the parts of a bird.

28)   How do birds breathe?

29)   Are birds oviparous or viviparous?

30)   Write down the different groups of birds

31)   Give the name of a bird for each group.

32)   What do reptiles look like?

33)   Are reptiles warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

34)   Are reptiles oviparous?

35)   Do reptiles take care of their babies?

36)   Reptile groups

37)   Give the name of a reptile for each group.

38)   Do all mammals have legs?

39)   Do whales breathe through their lungs?

40)   Do mammals lay eggs?

41)   Do all baby mammals eat solid food?

42)   Are human beings primates?

43)   Do zebras have feet with claws?

44)   Do dolphins have hair?

45)   The front limbs of a bird are the………………………………….

46)   The back limbs of a bird are the…………………………………………….

47)   All birds can fly. True or false?

48)   …………………………………………..birds lay eggs.

49)   Incubation is when parent birds keep their eggs cold/warm with their body heat.

50)   All/some birds are terrestrial.

51)   All/some birds spend a lot of time in water.

52)   Birds have all the same shape of beak. True or false?

53)   Reptiles are covered with hard……………………………………………….

54)   Most reptiles are……………………….but few are aquatic.

55)   Reptiles need external heat so they are…………………………..-blooded.

56)   Reptiles breathe through their………………………………………………..

57)   Reptiles are……………………………….The female lays eggs.

58)   Lizards have four short……………………………………………

59)   Snakes have…………………………………….limbs.

60)   Turtles have a…………………………………….to protect their bodies.

61)   Sponges have symmetrical bodies. True or false?

62)   Cnidarians have tentacles which can sting you. True or false?

63)   Medusas cannot move around. T/F

64)   Many worms are parasites. T/F

65)   Echinoderms are usually in four parts.T/F

66)   Arthropods are covered by a hard exoskeleton. T/F

67)   Mollusks have a hard body. T/F

68)   Invertebrates do no have a ……………………………………………

69)   Many invertebrates are protected by…………………………….

70)   Not all invertebrates live in the…………………………………

71)   …………………………………live inside other animals.

72)   Invertebrates are………………………………………because they lay eggs.

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